Barion Pixel Saint John’s Charity Ball - Szent János Bál


VI Saint John’s Charity Ball

29th of June 2024


In 2022 we celebrated the V Saint John’s Charity Ball and again collected a record amount of donations. Thank you so much! These donations were used  to support both the participation of Hungarian youth with disabilities at the Order of Malta’s International Summer Camp in Rome, and the introduction of an innovative digital education program across seven Hungarian schools with disadvantaged youth.


We are looking forward to seeing you again as our guests on June 29, 2024. If you received an invitation, you may purchase your ticket.
Please don’t forget to register!


Please consider supporting this year’s fundraising goals. Embrace the Order of Malta spirit and donate to our charitable causes. Please read about “How We Help”! Your donations will give Hungarian youth with disabilities the opportunity to attend the next two annual Order of Malta International Summer Camps and will launch a new scholarship benefiting disadvantaged children across Hungary under the Symphony Program managed by the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta.


To encourage donations again from individuals, we are continuing with the Saint John’s Charity Ball Supporters’ Circle. We would invite you to join
and help us achieve our goals. We are already accepting donations. Corporate donations are also welcome.


We wish to warmly thank our guests and donors in advance for their support!


As Father Imre Kozma says:

“Every donation will make a good impact. Yours too.”

Programs throughout the Weekend


June 28, 2024

7 pm – 9 pm –
Toast at the Hungarian Opera House, The Bertalan Székely Parlour
1061 Budapest, Andrassy út 22


June 29, 2024

6:30 pm – 2 pm –
VI Saint John’s Charity
Ball at the Pesti Vigadó
1051 Budapest,
Vigadó tér 2.
1 am – 4 am –
After Party and DJ at the
VigVarjú Restaurant,
Ground Floor, Pesti Vigadó
1051 Budapest, Vigadó tér 2.


June 30, 2024

10 am – 11 am –
Mass at Matthias Church
1014 Budapest, Szentháromság tér 2.
Members Attend in Church Robes
11:30 am – 2 pm –
Brunch at the  Headquarters of the Hungarian Association of the Order of Malta
1014 Budapest, Fortuna u. 10.

Program’s Printable Version

Corporate Sponsors of the VI Saint John's Charity Ball


Donation Game and Event Sponsors of the VI Saint John's Charity Ball

Supporters’ Circle of the VI Saint John’s Charity Ball

diamond supporter

Anonymous supporter

gold supporter

Georges Kékessy
Stróbl Kristóf

silver supporter

Dr. Sándor Mohácsi
Andrea and Krisztián Sauska

bronze supporter

Bishop Levente Balázs Martos
Catherine and József Károlyi
Bence Horváth
Nicky Hübner
Robert Hübner


Aurèlie Pasquali-Happ
Mag. Paul Pasquali
Dr. Ponner Botond
Dr. Ponner Csilla
Krisztián Réfi
Anna Szabadhegy
Michelle Watson
Daniel Schwartz
Alexandra L.L. Jankovich de Jeszenice- van Voerst van Lynden
József B. Jankovich de Jeszenice
Lajos Okolicsányi

Dear Guests,

The ticket purchase has ended. We are still accepting donations. Thank you for your understanding.

The Ball Committee